Homework 4
Introduction to Neural Networks
Due at the end of class Friday, March 14, 2014
10 Points
Submit this homework electronically to the eCompanion Dropbox for Homework 4


The human brain is an extremely complicated pattern recognizer and is composed of billions of neurons.  Provided that we can mathematically model a neuron, it should be possible to to write a program to model a neuron, and thus a pattern recognizer.

In 1958, Frank Rosenblatt proposed the a computational model of the neuron that is both simple and elegant.  This model can be found at the following sites:


For your reference the single perceptron  model is provided in ASCII art format below:

input_1  * weight_1 -------+
input_2  * weight_2 -------+
                           |    +-----+     +------------------+
input_3  * weight_3 -------+--->| Sum |---->| hardLim function |----> Result
. . .                      |    +-----+     +------------------+
input_n  * weight_n -------+       ^

Note that the inputs are double precision values as are the weights and biases.

The the weights are individually multiplied by the inputs and added together with the bias as follows:

Sum = input_1*weight_1 + input_2*weight_2 + . . . + input_n*weight_n + bias

Inputs, weights, and biases may be positive or negative.

The sum is provided to the hardLim function, which produces a result that is either one or zero.

              0, x < 0
hardLim(x) =
              1, x >= 0

A single perceptron allows us to recognize the difference between values that are linearly separable.

This means we can recognize classes that can be separated by a line, plane, or hyperplane.

Hint: for problems 2 through 5, draw graphs of sample points and try to figure out an equation for a line that separates those points.

All problems are worth 2 points.  You may work with a partner on this assignment, but you must submit your own solution.

1. Write a Java class that represents a perceptron.  This class must include as attributes, weights and a bias.  It must include a function that takes the same number of inputs as there are weights in the perceptron and outputs a result indicating whether the inputs belong to the class or not.

2. Create a perceptron that produces a result of one for values greater than 2.  Test this using a driver class.

3. Create a perceptron that takes 2 inputs and acts as an AND gate.  Test this using a driver class.  Assume your inputs will only be ones or zeroes.

4. Create a perceptron that acts 2 inputs and acts as an OR gate.  Test this using a driver class.  Assume your inputs will only be ones or zeroes.

5. Use two perceptrons to provide a result of 1 for values that are greater than 5 or less than -3.  Test this using a driver class.