Software Engineering
Project 3 - Research Paper Preparation (and a start on the
KCP&L Undergraduate Competition)
20 Points
Due: Oct. 21, 2013, +2 bonus points for submissions by Oct. 18, 2013 at 11:59:59pm
Working professionals are often asked to prepare a short research paper. Research papers can serve different purposes, but one common use it to provide a comparison between different technologies, techniques, or policies as well as a recommendation.
Assignment Structure:
The research paper will be split into four phases. You will complete one of these phases for Project 3:
1. Draft & Peer Review (Due Oct. 18, 15 points)2. Prototype Implementation or Software Examples (Due Oct. 18, 5 points)
Many of the draft papers cover a software topic for which an
example implementation might be useful. For such topics, you
must include a copy of source code and proof that you have
implemented it, tried its use, etc., in the form of at least one
page of documentation.
For example, if you were investigating a NoSQL database, you could
provide a description of how you set up the database, what
commands and/or source code you used, and a copy of the output.
For topics that are not specific to a certain software
implementation, like those covering Agile Scrum, investigate a
related tool (or two if yours is not very complex), and provide
proof that you used that tool and understand it. For
example, Scrum recommends the use of burndown charts and planning
poker. There are many free software tools for both of
these. You could create and submit both a burndown chart and
a sample game of planning poker to show that you understand these
tools. Again, provide at least one page of documentation
showing that you understand these tools.
3. Submission
Submit your draft paper, peer reviews of your paper, and proof of your prototype implementation or software examples with documentation in a zipped file to the eCompanion Dropbox for Project 3.
Paper Format:
Required Materials: Title Page, Body, Bibliography
Title Page Contents:
Paper title (Centered on page)
Author (Centered below the title)
Citations: APA style (
Length: 6-8 pages (not including title and bibliography)
Font: 12 point Times New Roman
Margins: 1 inch margins on all sides
Spacing: Double spaced
The page title should be in the middle of the header.
The page number should be on the right.
No footer necessary.
For an overview of the process of writing a research paper see:
The Writing Center ( has self-help resources as you develop your paper.
The KCP&L Research Paper Competition
This year, Kansas City Power and
Light (KCP&L) is sponsoring a research paper competition with
prize money. The amounts have not been finalized for this
year, but past year’s prizes totaled $1000 cash for first, second,
third, and fourth places. The competition will be based on the
research papers that were submitted in 44-411 (Systems Analysis
and Design) and 44-561 (Software Engineering I). A research
paper, presentation, and submission to the contest for judging is
required in this course. Failure to be selected for
presentation at the contest will not result in a reduced
grade. Participation in the contest is required in one of
two ways - a) if selected to present in the contest you must
present your paper (preferably using the slides you presented in
class) or b) if not selected to present, you must attend at least
one presentation and submit a written review of that
presentation. Your instructor believes this to be
fair. If you are unable to attend due to work or illness,
you must provide written proof such as a doctor's note or work
Judging Procedures
Contest Entries
All students from this class will
be entered into the contest and will be required to present their
research in class.
If you are selected for the contest, you should be able to use
the same 10-minute presentation for the contest.