Homework 8
CS 345
Computer Organization
10 Points
Due Friday, Mar. 20, 2015 at the beginning of class

1.  Convert the following values from decimal to IEEE Standard 754 values:

a) 204.5

b) 12.785

c) 307.2

d) -0.05432

2.  Reduce the following binary expressions, if possible.

a) A * ~B + B * ~A

b) (A + ~A) + (~B * B)

c) B*(A*B*C + B)

d) A * B * (C + ~D) + A * ~B + C * D

3.  Test the following AND and OR operations using both MIPS and C to see if you get the same results.

a) 0xABCD0000 AND 0x12340000

b) 0xABCD0000 OR 0x12340000

4.  Use JLS to create circuits for 2 a) and d).